As a way to help new and existing members who want to shorten their learning curve for striper
fishing on Lanier, the club is offering a mentoring program. The program is a unique opportunity
to learn, one-on-one, from some of the best striper fishermen on Lake Lanier. This will be an
informal project designed to increase participation in fishing events and help participants become
comfortable within the club.
Help new and current members who want to learn more about striper fishing on Lanier. Increase participation in the
monthly fishing events. Create a passion for striper fishing thus creating a larger advocacy group for our favorite fish.
Renew interest in the club for longtime club members by “paying it forward”.
Become a member.
Participate in as many club sponsored events as possible.
Understand that learning to fish for stripers is a process.
Do not ask for ‘Locations to fish’. Learn patterns and create your own waypoints!
Keep log book for review at end of year.
Provide feedback on effectiveness of program.
Create network with others to share information, tips and encouragement.
Be mindful of your mentors time and efforts. Help with bait and gas when they invite you to fish.
If you are interested in participating in the Mentoring program as a captain or as an angler please send an email to